Package-level declarations


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class CompanyClient(apiSecret: String, apiBase: String = "", storeId: String? = null) : Closeable
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data class GetPlatformCompanyStatePayload(val companyState: PlatformCompanyState, val companyVerificationId: String)

사업자 조회 성공 응답 정보

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@Serializable(with = PlatformBusinessStatusSerializer::class)
sealed interface PlatformBusinessStatus

플랫폼 사업자 상태

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data class PlatformCompanyState(val taxationType: PlatformTaxationType, val taxationTypeDate: String? = null, val businessStatus: PlatformBusinessStatus, val closedSuspendedDate: String? = null)
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@Serializable(with = PlatformTaxationTypeSerializer::class)
sealed interface PlatformTaxationType

플랫폼 과세 유형