Package-level declarations


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data class GetPlatformPayoutsResponse(val items: List<PlatformPayout>, val page: PageInfo, val counts: PlatformPayoutStatusStats)
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class PayoutClient(apiSecret: String, apiBase: String = "", storeId: String? = null) : Closeable

API Secret을 사용해 포트원 API 클라이언트를 생성합니다.

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data class PlatformPayout(val id: String, val graphqlId: String, val method: PlatformPayoutMethod, val status: PlatformPayoutStatus, val statusUpdatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val memo: String? = null, val partner: PlatformPartner, val account: PlatformPayoutAccount, val currency: Currency, val amount: Long, val settlementAmount: Long, val incomeTaxAmount: Long, val localIncomeTaxAmount: Long, val withdrawalMemo: String? = null, val depositMemo: String? = null, val createdAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val scheduledAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null)
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data class PlatformPayoutAccount(val bank: Bank, val number: String, val holder: String)
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data class PlatformPayoutFilterInput(val statuses: List<PlatformPayoutStatus>? = null, val partnerIds: List<String>? = null, val criteria: PlatformPayoutFilterInputCriteria, val payoutAccountBanks: List<Bank>? = null, val partnerTags: List<String>? = null, val payoutCurrencies: List<Currency>? = null)

지급 내역 필터 입력 정보

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data class PlatformPayoutFilterInputCriteria(val timestampRange: DateTimeRange? = null, val payoutId: String? = null, val bulkPayoutId: String? = null)

검색 기준 입력 정보

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@Serializable(with = PlatformPayoutStatusSerializer::class)
sealed interface PlatformPayoutStatus