Package-level declarations


추가 수수료 정책 예약 업데이트 취소 성공 응답

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계약 예약 업데이트 취소 성공 응답

할인 분담 정책 예약 업데이트 취소 성공 응답

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data object CancelPlatformPartnerScheduleResponse

파트너 예약 업데이트 취소 성공 응답

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data class DateRange(val from: String, val until: String)
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@Serializable(with = DayOfWeekSerializer::class)
sealed interface DayOfWeek


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data class MonthDay(val month: Int, val day: Int)

월 및 일자 정보

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data class Platform(val merchantId: String, val graphqlId: String, val roundType: PlatformRoundType, val settlementFormula: PlatformSettlementFormula, val settlementRule: PlatformSettlementRule)

고객사의 플랫폼 기능 관련 정보

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data class PlatformAccount(val bank: Bank, val currency: Currency, val number: String, val holder: String, val status: PlatformAccountStatus)

플랫폼 정산 계좌

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@Serializable(with = PlatformAccountStatusSerializer::class)
sealed interface PlatformAccountStatus

플랫폼 계좌 상태

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data class PlatformAdditionalFeePolicy(val id: String, val graphqlId: String, val name: String, val fee: PlatformFee, val memo: String? = null, val vatPayer: PlatformPayer, val isArchived: Boolean, val appliedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant)

추가 수수료 정책

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class PlatformClient(apiSecret: String, apiBase: String = "", storeId: String? = null) : Closeable
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data class PlatformContact(val name: String, val phoneNumber: String? = null, val email: String)

플랫폼 파트너 담당자 연락 정보

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data class PlatformContract(val id: String, val graphqlId: String, val name: String, val memo: String? = null, val platformFee: PlatformFee, val settlementCycle: PlatformSettlementCycle, val platformFeeVatPayer: PlatformPayer, val subtractPaymentVatAmount: Boolean, val isArchived: Boolean, val appliedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant)


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data class PlatformDiscountSharePolicy(val id: String, val graphqlId: String, val name: String, val partnerShareRate: Int, val memo: String? = null, val isArchived: Boolean, val appliedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant)

할인 분담 정책

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data class PlatformDiscountSharePolicyFilterOptions(val partnerShareRates: IntArray)

할인 분담 정책 필터 옵션 조회 성공 응답 정보

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@Serializable(with = PlatformFeeSerializer::class)
sealed interface PlatformFee

플랫폼 중개수수료 정보

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data class PlatformFeeInput(val fixedRate: Int? = null, val fixedAmount: Long? = null)

수수료 계산 방식을 특정하기 위한 입력 정보

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@SerialName(value = "FIXED_AMOUNT")
data class PlatformFixedAmountFee(val amount: Long) : PlatformFee.Recognized

정액 수수료

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@SerialName(value = "FIXED_RATE")
data class PlatformFixedRateFee(val rate: Int) : PlatformFee.Recognized

정률 수수료

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data class PlatformOrderSettlementAmount(val settlement: Long, val payment: Long, val paymentVat: Long, val paymentVatBurden: Long, val taxFree: Long, val supply: Long, val paymentTaxFree: Long, val paymentSupply: Long, val order: Long, val orderTaxFree: Long, val platformFee: Long, val platformFeeVat: Long, val additionalFee: Long, val additionalFeeVat: Long, val discount: Long, val discountTaxFree: Long, val discountShare: Long, val discountShareTaxFree: Long)

정산 금액 정보

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data class PlatformPartner(val id: String, val graphqlId: String, val name: String, val contact: PlatformContact, val account: PlatformAccount, val status: PlatformPartnerStatus, val defaultContractId: String, val memo: String? = null, val tags: List<String>, val type: PlatformPartnerType, val isArchived: Boolean, val appliedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val userDefinedProperties: PlatformProperties)


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@Serializable(with = PlatformPartnerBusinessStatusSerializer::class)
sealed interface PlatformPartnerBusinessStatus

플랫폼 파트너 사업자 상태

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data class PlatformPartnerContractSummary(val id: String, val name: String)

파트너 계약 요약 정보

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data class PlatformPartnerFilterInput(val isArchived: Boolean? = null, val tags: List<String>? = null, val banks: List<Bank>? = null, val accountCurrencies: List<Currency>? = null, val ids: List<String>? = null, val contractIds: List<String>? = null, val accountStatuses: List<PlatformAccountStatus>? = null, val businessStatuses: List<PlatformPartnerBusinessStatus>? = null, val types: List<PlatformPartnerTypeName>? = null, val taxationTypes: List<PlatformPartnerTaxationType>? = null, val memberCompanyConnectionStatuses: List<PlatformPartnerMemberCompanyConnectionStatus>? = null, val keyword: PlatformPartnerFilterInputKeyword? = null)

파트너 필터 입력 정보

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data class PlatformPartnerFilterInputKeyword(val id: String? = null, val name: String? = null, val email: String? = null, val businessRegistrationNumber: String? = null, val defaultContractId: String? = null, val memo: String? = null, val accountNumber: String? = null, val accountHolder: String? = null)

파트너 검색 키워드 입력 정보

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data class PlatformPartnerFilterOptions(val tags: List<String>, val contractSummary: List<PlatformPartnerContractSummary>)

파트너 필터 옵션 조회 성공 응답 정보

@Serializable(with = PlatformPartnerMemberCompanyConnectionStatusSerializer::class)
sealed interface PlatformPartnerMemberCompanyConnectionStatus

플랫폼 파트너 연동 사업자 연결 상태

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@Serializable(with = PlatformPartnerStatusSerializer::class)
sealed interface PlatformPartnerStatus

플랫폼 파트너 상태

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@Serializable(with = PlatformPartnerTaxationTypeSerializer::class)
sealed interface PlatformPartnerTaxationType

플랫폼 파트너 과세 유형

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@Serializable(with = PlatformPartnerTypeSerializer::class)
sealed interface PlatformPartnerType

파트너 유형별 추가 정보

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@SerialName(value = "BUSINESS")
data class PlatformPartnerTypeBusiness(val companyName: String, val taxationType: PlatformPartnerTaxationType, val businessStatus: PlatformPartnerBusinessStatus, val businessRegistrationNumber: String, val representativeName: String, val companyAddress: String? = null, val businessType: String? = null, val businessClass: String? = null, val memberCompanyConnectionStatus: PlatformPartnerMemberCompanyConnectionStatus, val memberCompanyConnectionFailedReason: String? = null) : PlatformPartnerType.Recognized

사업자 파트너 정보

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@Serializable(with = PlatformPartnerTypeNameSerializer::class)
sealed interface PlatformPartnerTypeName

플랫폼 파트너 유형 이름

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@SerialName(value = "NON_WHT_PAYER")
data class PlatformPartnerTypeNonWhtPayer(val birthdate: String? = null) : PlatformPartnerType.Recognized

원천징수 비대상자 파트너 정보

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@SerialName(value = "WHT_PAYER")
data class PlatformPartnerTypeWhtPayer(val birthdate: String? = null) : PlatformPartnerType.Recognized

원천징수 대상자 파트너 정보

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@Serializable(with = PlatformPayerSerializer::class)
sealed interface PlatformPayer

금액 부담 주체

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@Serializable(with = PlatformPayoutMethodSerializer::class)
sealed interface PlatformPayoutMethod
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data class PlatformPayoutStatusStats(val prepared: Long, val cancelled: Long, val stopped: Long, val processing: Long, val succeeded: Long, val failed: Long, val scheduled: Long)
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data class PlatformProperties(val string: String)
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@Serializable(with = PlatformRoundTypeSerializer::class)
sealed interface PlatformRoundType

금액에 대한 소수점 처리 방식

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data class PlatformSetting(val defaultWithdrawalMemo: String? = null, val defaultDepositMemo: String? = null)

플랫폼 설정

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data class PlatformSettlementCycle(val lagDays: Int, val datePolicy: PlatformSettlementCycleDatePolicy, val method: PlatformSettlementCycleMethod)

정산 주기

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@Serializable(with = PlatformSettlementCycleDatePolicySerializer::class)
sealed interface PlatformSettlementCycleDatePolicy

플랫폼 정산 기준일

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data class PlatformSettlementCycleInput(val lagDays: Int, val datePolicy: PlatformSettlementCycleDatePolicy, val method: PlatformSettlementCycleMethodInput)

플랫폼 정산 주기 입력 정보

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@Serializable(with = PlatformSettlementCycleMethodSerializer::class)
sealed interface PlatformSettlementCycleMethod

플랫폼 정산 주기 계산 방식

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@SerialName(value = "DAILY")
data object PlatformSettlementCycleMethodDaily : PlatformSettlementCycleMethod.Recognized

매일 정산

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플랫폼 정산 주기 계산 방식 입력 정보

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@SerialName(value = "MANUAL_DATES")
data class PlatformSettlementCycleMethodManualDates(val dates: List<MonthDay>) : PlatformSettlementCycleMethod.Recognized

정해진 날짜(월, 일)에 정산

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@SerialName(value = "MONTHLY")
data class PlatformSettlementCycleMethodMonthly(val daysOfMonth: IntArray) : PlatformSettlementCycleMethod.Recognized

매월 정해진 날(일)에 정산

data class PlatformSettlementCycleMethodMonthlyInput(val daysOfMonth: IntArray)
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@SerialName(value = "WEEKLY")
data class PlatformSettlementCycleMethodWeekly(val daysOfWeek: List<DayOfWeek>) : PlatformSettlementCycleMethod.Recognized

매주 정해진 요일에 정산

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data class PlatformSettlementCycleMethodWeeklyInput(val daysOfWeek: List<DayOfWeek>)
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data class PlatformSettlementFormula(val platformFee: String, val discountShare: String, val additionalFee: String)

플랫폼 내 발생하는 여러 수수료 및 할인 분담에 관한 계산식 정보

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@Serializable(with = PlatformSettlementFormulaErrorSerializer::class)
sealed interface PlatformSettlementFormulaError
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@SerialName(value = "INVALID_FUNCTION")
data class PlatformSettlementFormulaInvalidFunction(val name: String, val position: PlatformSettlementFormulaPosition) : PlatformSettlementFormulaError.Recognized
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@SerialName(value = "INVALID_OPERATOR")
data class PlatformSettlementFormulaInvalidOperator(val operator: String, val position: PlatformSettlementFormulaPosition) : PlatformSettlementFormulaError.Recognized
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@SerialName(value = "INVALID_SYNTAX")
data class PlatformSettlementFormulaInvalidSyntax(val syntax: String, val position: PlatformSettlementFormulaPosition) : PlatformSettlementFormulaError.Recognized
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@SerialName(value = "INVALID_VARIABLE")
data class PlatformSettlementFormulaInvalidVariable(val name: String, val position: PlatformSettlementFormulaPosition) : PlatformSettlementFormulaError.Recognized
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data class PlatformSettlementFormulaPosition(val startLine: Int, val startIndex: Int, val endLine: Int, val endIndex: Int)
data class PlatformSettlementFormulaUnexpectedFunctionArguments(val functionName: String, val expectedCount: Int, val currentCount: Int, val position: PlatformSettlementFormulaPosition) : PlatformSettlementFormulaError.Recognized
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@SerialName(value = "UNKNOWN_ERROR")
data object PlatformSettlementFormulaUnknownError : PlatformSettlementFormulaError.Recognized
@SerialName(value = "UNSUPPORTED_VARIABLE")
data class PlatformSettlementFormulaUnsupportedVariable(val name: String, val position: PlatformSettlementFormulaPosition) : PlatformSettlementFormulaError.Recognized
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data class PlatformSettlementRule(val supportsMultipleOrderTransfersPerPartner: Boolean, val adjustSettlementDateAfterHolidayIfEarlier: Boolean, val subtractWhtInPayoutAmount: Boolean)

플랫폼 정산건 처리 방식에 관한 규칙

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data class PlatformUserDefinedPropertyValue(val string: String)
data class ReschedulePlatformAdditionalFeePolicyResponse(val scheduledAdditionalFeePolicy: PlatformAdditionalFeePolicy)

추가 수수료 정책 예약 업데이트 재설정 성공 응답

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data class ReschedulePlatformContractResponse(val scheduledContract: PlatformContract)

계약 예약 업데이트 재설정 성공 응답

data class ReschedulePlatformDiscountSharePolicyResponse(val scheduledDiscountSharePolicy: PlatformDiscountSharePolicy)

할인 분담 정책 예약 업데이트 재설정 성공 응답

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data class ReschedulePlatformPartnerResponse(val scheduledPartner: PlatformPartner)

파트너 예약 업데이트 재설정 성공 응답

data class SchedulePlatformAdditionalFeePolicyResponse(val scheduledAdditionalFeePolicy: PlatformAdditionalFeePolicy)

추가 수수료 정책 업데이트 예약 성공 응답

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data class SchedulePlatformContractResponse(val scheduledContract: PlatformContract)

계약 업데이트 예약 성공 응답

data class SchedulePlatformDiscountSharePolicyResponse(val scheduledDiscountSharePolicy: PlatformDiscountSharePolicy)

할인 분담 정책 업데이트 예약 성공 응답

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data class SchedulePlatformPartnerResponse(val scheduledPartner: PlatformPartner)

파트너 업데이트 예약 성공 응답

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data class SchedulePlatformPartnersBodyUpdate(val name: String? = null, val contact: SchedulePlatformPartnersBodyUpdateContact? = null, val type: SchedulePlatformPartnersBodyUpdateType? = null, val account: SchedulePlatformPartnersBodyUpdateAccount? = null, val defaultContractId: String? = null, val memo: String? = null, val tags: List<String>? = null, val userDefinedProperties: PlatformProperties? = null)
data class SchedulePlatformPartnersBodyUpdateAccount(val bank: Bank, val currency: Currency, val number: String, val holder: String, val accountVerificationId: String? = null)

파트너 계좌 업데이트를 위한 입력 정보

data class SchedulePlatformPartnersBodyUpdateContact(val name: String? = null, val phoneNumber: String? = null, val email: String? = null)

파트너 업데이트를 위한 유형별 추가 정보

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파트너 유형별 정보 업데이트를 위한 입력 정보

data class SchedulePlatformPartnersBodyUpdateTypeBusiness(val companyName: String? = null, val taxationType: PlatformPartnerTaxationType? = null, val businessRegistrationNumber: String? = null, val representativeName: String? = null, val companyAddress: String? = null, val businessType: String? = null, val businessClass: String? = null, val companyVerificationId: String? = null)
data class SchedulePlatformPartnersBodyUpdateTypeNonWhtPayer(val birthdate: String? = null)
data class SchedulePlatformPartnersBodyUpdateTypeWhtPayer(val birthdate: String? = null)
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data object SchedulePlatformPartnersResponse
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data class UpdatePlatformAdditionalFeePolicyBody(val fee: PlatformFeeInput? = null, val name: String? = null, val memo: String? = null, val vatPayer: PlatformPayer? = null)

추가 수수료 정책 업데이트를 위한 입력 정보

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data class UpdatePlatformBodySettlementFormula(val platformFee: String? = null, val discountShare: String? = null, val additionalFee: String? = null)

플랫폼 업데이트 시 변경할 계산식 정보

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data class UpdatePlatformBodySettlementRule(val supportsMultipleOrderTransfersPerPartner: Boolean? = null, val adjustSettlementDateAfterHolidayIfEarlier: Boolean? = null, val subtractWhtInPayoutAmount: Boolean? = null)

플랫폼 업데이트 시 변경할 정산 규칙 정보

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data class UpdatePlatformContractBody(val name: String? = null, val memo: String? = null, val platformFee: PlatformFeeInput? = null, val settlementCycle: PlatformSettlementCycleInput? = null, val platformFeeVatPayer: PlatformPayer? = null, val subtractPaymentVatAmount: Boolean? = null)

계약 업데이트를 위한 입력 정보. 값이 명시되지 않은 필드는 업데이트되지 않습니다.

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data class UpdatePlatformDiscountSharePolicyBody(val name: String? = null, val partnerShareRate: Int? = null, val memo: String? = null)

할인 분담 정책 업데이트를 위한 입력 정보

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data class UpdatePlatformPartnerBody(val name: String? = null, val contact: UpdatePlatformPartnerBodyContact? = null, val account: UpdatePlatformPartnerBodyAccount? = null, val defaultContractId: String? = null, val memo: String? = null, val tags: List<String>? = null, val type: UpdatePlatformPartnerBodyType? = null, val userDefinedProperties: PlatformProperties? = null)

파트너 업데이트를 위한 입력 정보

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data class UpdatePlatformPartnerBodyAccount(val bank: Bank, val currency: Currency, val number: String, val holder: String, val accountVerificationId: String? = null)

파트너 계좌 업데이트를 위한 입력 정보

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data class UpdatePlatformPartnerBodyContact(val name: String? = null, val phoneNumber: String? = null, val email: String? = null)

파트너 담당자 업데이트를 위한 정보

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data class UpdatePlatformPartnerBodyType(val business: UpdatePlatformPartnerBodyTypeBusiness? = null, val whtPayer: UpdatePlatformPartnerBodyTypeWhtPayer? = null, val nonWhtPayer: UpdatePlatformPartnerBodyTypeNonWhtPayer? = null)

파트너 업데이트를 위한 유형별 추가 정보

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data class UpdatePlatformPartnerBodyTypeBusiness(val companyName: String? = null, val taxationType: PlatformPartnerTaxationType? = null, val businessRegistrationNumber: String? = null, val representativeName: String? = null, val companyAddress: String? = null, val businessType: String? = null, val businessClass: String? = null, val companyVerificationId: String? = null)
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data class UpdatePlatformPartnerBodyTypeNonWhtPayer(val birthdate: String? = null)
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data class UpdatePlatformPartnerBodyTypeWhtPayer(val birthdate: String? = null)
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data class UpdatePlatformResponse(val platform: Platform)

플랫폼 업데이트 결과 정보

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data class UpdatePlatformSettingResponse(val setting: PlatformSetting)

플랫폼 설정 업데이트 결과