
class B2BClient


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@JvmName(name = "attachB2bTaxInvoiceFileSuspend")
suspend fun attachB2bTaxInvoiceFile(test: Boolean? = null, brn: String, documentKey: String, documentKeyType: B2bTaxInvoiceDocumentKeyType? = null, fileId: String)

세금계산서 파일 첨부

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@JvmName(name = "cancelB2bTaxInvoiceIssuanceSuspend")
suspend fun cancelB2bTaxInvoiceIssuance(test: Boolean? = null, brn: String, documentKey: String, documentKeyType: B2bTaxInvoiceDocumentKeyType? = null, memo: String? = null): B2bTaxInvoice

세금계산서 역발행 취소

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@JvmName(name = "cancelB2bTaxInvoiceRequestSuspend")
suspend fun cancelB2bTaxInvoiceRequest(test: Boolean? = null, brn: String, documentKey: String, documentKeyType: B2bTaxInvoiceDocumentKeyType? = null, memo: String? = null): B2bTaxInvoice

세금계산서 역발행 요청 취소

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@JvmName(name = "createB2bTaxInvoiceFileUploadLinkSuspend")
suspend fun createB2bTaxInvoiceFileUploadLink(test: Boolean? = null, fileName: String): CreateB2bTaxInvoiceFileUploadLinkResponse

세금계산서 파일 업로드 링크 생성

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@JvmName(name = "deleteB2bTaxInvoiceSuspend")
suspend fun deleteB2bTaxInvoice(documentKey: String, brn: String, documentKeyType: B2bTaxInvoiceDocumentKeyType? = null, test: Boolean? = null)

세금계산서 삭제

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@JvmName(name = "deleteB2bTaxInvoiceAttachmentSuspend")
suspend fun deleteB2bTaxInvoiceAttachment(documentKey: String, attachmentId: String, brn: String, documentKeyType: B2bTaxInvoiceDocumentKeyType? = null, test: Boolean? = null)

세금계산서 첨부파일 삭제

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@JvmName(name = "getB2bBankAccountHolderSuspend")
suspend fun getB2bBankAccountHolder(bank: Bank, accountNumber: String, test: Boolean? = null): GetB2bBankAccountHolderResponse

예금주 조회

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@JvmName(name = "getB2bCertificateSuspend")
suspend fun getB2bCertificate(brn: String, test: Boolean? = null): B2bCertificate

인증서 조회

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@JvmName(name = "getB2bCertificateRegistrationUrlSuspend")
suspend fun getB2bCertificateRegistrationUrl(brn: String, test: Boolean? = null): GetB2bCertificateRegistrationUrlResponse

사업자 인증서 등록 URL 조회

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@JvmName(name = "getB2bCompanyStateSuspend")
suspend fun getB2bCompanyState(brn: String, test: Boolean? = null): B2bCompanyState

사업자 상태 조회

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@JvmName(name = "getB2bContactIdExistenceSuspend")
suspend fun getB2bContactIdExistence(contactId: String, test: Boolean? = null): GetB2bContactIdExistenceResponse

담당자 ID 존재 여부 확인

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@JvmName(name = "getB2bMemberCompanySuspend")
suspend fun getB2bMemberCompany(brn: String, test: Boolean? = null): B2bMemberCompany

연동 사업자 조회

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@JvmName(name = "getB2bMemberCompanyContactSuspend")
suspend fun getB2bMemberCompanyContact(brn: String, contactId: String, test: Boolean? = null): B2bCompanyContact

담당자 조회

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@JvmName(name = "getB2bTaxInvoiceSuspend")
suspend fun getB2bTaxInvoice(documentKey: String, brn: String, documentKeyType: B2bTaxInvoiceDocumentKeyType? = null, test: Boolean? = null): B2bTaxInvoice

세금 계산서 조회

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@JvmName(name = "getB2bTaxInvoiceAttachmentsSuspend")
suspend fun getB2bTaxInvoiceAttachments(documentKey: String, brn: String, documentKeyType: B2bTaxInvoiceDocumentKeyType? = null, test: Boolean? = null): GetB2bTaxInvoiceAttachmentsResponse

세금계산서 첨부파일 목록 조회

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@JvmName(name = "getB2bTaxInvoicePdfDownloadUrlSuspend")
suspend fun getB2bTaxInvoicePdfDownloadUrl(documentKey: String, brn: String, documentKeyType: B2bTaxInvoiceDocumentKeyType? = null, test: Boolean? = null): GetB2bTaxInvoicePdfDownloadUrlResponse

세금 계산서 PDF 다운로드 URL 조회

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@JvmName(name = "getB2bTaxInvoicePopupUrlSuspend")
suspend fun getB2bTaxInvoicePopupUrl(documentKey: String, brn: String, documentKeyType: B2bTaxInvoiceDocumentKeyType? = null, includeMenu: Boolean? = null, test: Boolean? = null): GetB2bTaxInvoicePopupUrlResponse

세금 계산서 팝업 URL 조회

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@JvmName(name = "getB2bTaxInvoicePrintUrlSuspend")
suspend fun getB2bTaxInvoicePrintUrl(documentKey: String, brn: String, documentKeyType: B2bTaxInvoiceDocumentKeyType? = null, test: Boolean? = null): GetB2bTaxInvoicePrintUrlResponse

세금 계산서 프린트 URL 조회

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@JvmName(name = "getB2bTaxInvoicesSuspend")
suspend fun getB2bTaxInvoices(brn: String, pageNumber: Int? = null, pageSize: Int? = null, from: String, until: String, dateType: B2bSearchDateType, documentKeyType: B2bTaxInvoiceDocumentKeyType? = null, test: Boolean? = null): GetB2bTaxInvoicesResponse

세금 계산서 다건조회

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@JvmName(name = "issueB2bTaxInvoiceSuspend")
suspend fun issueB2bTaxInvoice(test: Boolean? = null, brn: String, documentKey: String, documentKeyType: B2bTaxInvoiceDocumentKeyType? = null, memo: String? = null, emailSubject: String? = null): B2bTaxInvoice

세금계산서 발행

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@JvmName(name = "refuseB2bTaxInvoiceRequestSuspend")
suspend fun refuseB2bTaxInvoiceRequest(test: Boolean? = null, brn: String, documentKey: String, documentKeyType: B2bTaxInvoiceDocumentKeyType? = null, memo: String? = null): B2bTaxInvoice

세금계산서 역발행 요청 거부

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@JvmName(name = "registerB2bMemberCompanySuspend")
suspend fun registerB2bMemberCompany(test: Boolean? = null, company: B2bMemberCompany, contact: B2bCompanyContactInput): RegisterB2bMemberCompanyResponse

사업자 연동

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@JvmName(name = "requestB2bTaxInvoiceSuspend")
suspend fun requestB2bTaxInvoice(test: Boolean? = null, brn: String, documentKey: String, documentKeyType: B2bTaxInvoiceDocumentKeyType? = null, memo: String? = null): B2bTaxInvoice

세금계산서 역발행 요청

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@JvmName(name = "requestB2bTaxInvoiceRegisterSuspend")
suspend fun requestB2bTaxInvoiceRegister(test: Boolean? = null, taxInvoice: B2bTaxInvoiceInput): B2bTaxInvoice

세금계산서 임시 저장

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@JvmName(name = "requestB2bTaxInvoiceReverseIssuanceSuspend")
suspend fun requestB2bTaxInvoiceReverseIssuance(test: Boolean? = null, taxInvoice: B2bTaxInvoiceInput, memo: String? = null): B2bTaxInvoice

세금계산서 역발행 요청

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@JvmName(name = "updateB2bMemberCompanySuspend")
suspend fun updateB2bMemberCompany(brn: String, test: Boolean? = null, name: String? = null, ceoName: String? = null, address: String? = null, businessType: String? = null, businessClass: String? = null): UpdateB2bMemberCompanyResponse

연동 사업자 정보 수정

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@JvmName(name = "updateB2bMemberCompanyContactSuspend")
suspend fun updateB2bMemberCompanyContact(brn: String, contactId: String, test: Boolean? = null, password: String? = null, name: String? = null, phoneNumber: String? = null, email: String? = null): UpdateB2bMemberCompanyContactResponse

담당자 정보 수정