
class IdentityVerificationClient(apiSecret: String, apiBase: String = "", storeId: String? = null) : Closeable


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constructor(apiSecret: String, apiBase: String = "", storeId: String? = null)


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open override fun close()
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@JvmName(name = "confirmIdentityVerificationSuspend")
suspend fun confirmIdentityVerification(identityVerificationId: String, otp: String? = null): ConfirmIdentityVerificationResponse

본인인증 확인

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@JvmName(name = "getIdentityVerificationSuspend")
suspend fun getIdentityVerification(identityVerificationId: String): IdentityVerification

본인인증 단건 조회

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@JvmName(name = "resendIdentityVerificationSuspend")
suspend fun resendIdentityVerification(identityVerificationId: String): ResendIdentityVerificationResponse

SMS 본인인증 요청 재전송

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@JvmName(name = "sendIdentityVerificationSuspend")
suspend fun sendIdentityVerification(identityVerificationId: String, channelKey: String, customer: SendIdentityVerificationBodyCustomer, customData: String? = null, bypass: JsonObject? = null, operator: IdentityVerificationOperator, method: IdentityVerificationMethod): SendIdentityVerificationResponse

본인인증 요청 전송