
@SerialName(value = "PARTIAL_CANCELLED")
data class PartialCancelledPayment(val id: String, val transactionId: String, val merchantId: String, val storeId: String, val method: PaymentMethod? = null, val channel: SelectedChannel, val channelGroup: ChannelGroupSummary? = null, val version: PortOneVersion, val scheduleId: String? = null, val billingKey: String? = null, val webhooks: List<PaymentWebhook>? = null, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val statusChangedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val orderName: String, val amount: PaymentAmount, val currency: Currency, val customer: Customer, val promotionId: String? = null, val isCulturalExpense: Boolean? = null, val escrow: PaymentEscrow? = null, val products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null, val productCount: Int? = null, val customData: String? = null, val country: Country? = null, val paidAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val pgTxId: String? = null, val cashReceipt: PaymentCashReceipt? = null, val receiptUrl: String? = null, val cancellations: List<PaymentCancellation>, val cancelledAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant) : Payment.Recognized

결제 부분 취소 상태 건


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constructor(id: String, transactionId: String, merchantId: String, storeId: String, method: PaymentMethod? = null, channel: SelectedChannel, channelGroup: ChannelGroupSummary? = null, version: PortOneVersion, scheduleId: String? = null, billingKey: String? = null, webhooks: List<PaymentWebhook>? = null, requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, statusChangedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, orderName: String, amount: PaymentAmount, currency: Currency, customer: Customer, promotionId: String? = null, isCulturalExpense: Boolean? = null, escrow: PaymentEscrow? = null, products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null, productCount: Int? = null, customData: String? = null, country: Country? = null, paidAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, pgTxId: String? = null, cashReceipt: PaymentCashReceipt? = null, receiptUrl: String? = null, cancellations: List<PaymentCancellation>, cancelledAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant)


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open override val amount: PaymentAmount

결제 금액 관련 세부 정보

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open override val billingKey: String? = null

결제 시 사용된 빌링키

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결제 취소 내역

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val cancelledAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant

결제 취소 시점

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open override val channel: SelectedChannel

결제 채널

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open override val channelGroup: ChannelGroupSummary? = null

결제 채널 그룹 정보

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open override val country: Country? = null

국가 코드

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open override val currency: Currency


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open override val customData: String? = null

사용자 지정 데이터

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open override val customer: Customer

구매자 정보

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open override val escrow: PaymentEscrow? = null

에스크로 결제 정보

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open override val id: String

결제 건 아이디

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open override val isCulturalExpense: Boolean? = null

문화비 지출 여부

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open override val merchantId: String

고객사 아이디

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open override val method: PaymentMethod? = null

결제수단 정보

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open override val orderName: String


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val paidAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null

결제 완료 시점

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val pgTxId: String? = null

PG사 거래 아이디

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open override val productCount: Int? = null

상품 갯수

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open override val products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null

상품 정보

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open override val promotionId: String? = null

프로모션 아이디

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val receiptUrl: String? = null

거래 영수증 URL

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open override val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant

결제 요청 시점

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open override val scheduleId: String? = null

결제 예약 건 아이디

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open override val statusChangedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant

상태 업데이트 시점

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open override val storeId: String

상점 아이디

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open override val transactionId: String

결제 건 포트원 채번 아이디

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open override val updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant

업데이트 시점

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open override val version: PortOneVersion

포트원 버전

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open override val webhooks: List<PaymentWebhook>? = null

웹훅 발송 내역