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@JvmName(name = "applyEscrowLogisticsSuspend")
suspend fun applyEscrowLogistics(paymentId: String, sender: PaymentEscrowSenderInput? = null, receiver: PaymentEscrowReceiverInput? = null, logistics: PaymentLogistics, sendEmail: Boolean? = null, products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null): ApplyEscrowLogisticsResponse

에스크로 배송 정보 등록

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@JvmName(name = "cancelPaymentSuspend")
suspend fun cancelPayment(paymentId: String, amount: Long? = null, taxFreeAmount: Long? = null, vatAmount: Long? = null, reason: String, requester: CancelRequester? = null, currentCancellableAmount: Long? = null, refundAccount: CancelPaymentBodyRefundAccount? = null): CancelPaymentResponse

결제 취소

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@JvmName(name = "closeVirtualAccountSuspend")
suspend fun closeVirtualAccount(paymentId: String): CloseVirtualAccountResponse

가상계좌 말소

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@JvmName(name = "confirmEscrowSuspend")
suspend fun confirmEscrow(paymentId: String, fromStore: Boolean? = null): ConfirmEscrowResponse

에스크로 구매 확정

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@JvmName(name = "getAllPaymentsByCursorSuspend")
suspend fun getAllPaymentsByCursor(from: Instant? = null, until: Instant? = null, cursor: String? = null, size: Int? = null): GetAllPaymentsByCursorResponse

결제 대용량 다건 조회(커서 기반)

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@JvmName(name = "getPaymentSuspend")
suspend fun getPayment(paymentId: String): Payment

결제 단건 조회

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@JvmName(name = "getPaymentsSuspend")
suspend fun getPayments(page: PageInput? = null, filter: PaymentFilterInput? = null): GetPaymentsResponse

결제 다건 조회(페이지 기반)

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@JvmName(name = "modifyEscrowLogisticsSuspend")
suspend fun modifyEscrowLogistics(paymentId: String, sender: PaymentEscrowSenderInput? = null, receiver: PaymentEscrowReceiverInput? = null, logistics: PaymentLogistics, sendEmail: Boolean? = null, products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null): ModifyEscrowLogisticsResponse

에스크로 배송 정보 수정

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@JvmName(name = "payInstantlySuspend")
suspend fun payInstantly(paymentId: String, channelKey: String? = null, channelGroupId: String? = null, method: InstantPaymentMethodInput, orderName: String, isCulturalExpense: Boolean? = null, isEscrow: Boolean? = null, customer: CustomerInput? = null, customData: String? = null, amount: PaymentAmountInput, currency: Currency, country: Country? = null, noticeUrls: List<String>? = null, products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null, productCount: Int? = null, productType: PaymentProductType? = null, shippingAddress: SeparatedAddressInput? = null, promotionId: String? = null): PayInstantlyResponse

수기 결제

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@JvmName(name = "payWithBillingKeySuspend")
suspend fun payWithBillingKey(paymentId: String, billingKey: String, channelKey: String? = null, orderName: String, customer: CustomerInput? = null, customData: String? = null, amount: PaymentAmountInput, currency: Currency, installmentMonth: Int? = null, useFreeInterestFromMerchant: Boolean? = null, useCardPoint: Boolean? = null, cashReceipt: CashReceiptInput? = null, country: Country? = null, noticeUrls: List<String>? = null, products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null, productCount: Int? = null, productType: PaymentProductType? = null, shippingAddress: SeparatedAddressInput? = null, promotionId: String? = null, bypass: JsonObject? = null): PayWithBillingKeyResponse

빌링키 결제

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@JvmName(name = "preRegisterPaymentSuspend")
suspend fun preRegisterPayment(paymentId: String, totalAmount: Long? = null, taxFreeAmount: Long? = null, currency: Currency? = null): PreRegisterPaymentResponse

결제 정보 사전 등록

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@JvmName(name = "registerStoreReceiptSuspend")
suspend fun registerStoreReceipt(paymentId: String, items: List<RegisterStoreReceiptBodyItem>): RegisterStoreReceiptResponse

영수증 내 하위 상점 거래 등록

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@JvmName(name = "resendWebhookSuspend")
suspend fun resendWebhook(paymentId: String, webhookId: String? = null): ResendWebhookResponse

웹훅 재발송