
@Serializable(with = PaymentWebhookTriggerSerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentWebhookTrigger

웹훅 실행 트리거

수동 웹훅 재발송, 가상계좌 입금, 비동기 취소 승인 시 발생한 웹훅일 때 필드의 값이 존재합니다.



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@Serializable(with = PaymentWebhookTrigger.AsyncCancelApprovedSerializer::class)
data object AsyncCancelApproved : PaymentWebhookTrigger
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@Serializable(with = PaymentWebhookTrigger.AsyncCancelFailedSerializer::class)
data object AsyncCancelFailed : PaymentWebhookTrigger
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@Serializable(with = PaymentWebhookTrigger.AsyncPayApprovedSerializer::class)
data object AsyncPayApproved : PaymentWebhookTrigger
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@Serializable(with = PaymentWebhookTrigger.AsyncPayFailedSerializer::class)
data object AsyncPayFailed : PaymentWebhookTrigger
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@Serializable(with = PaymentWebhookTrigger.ManualSerializer::class)
data object Manual : PaymentWebhookTrigger
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현재 SDK 버전에서 알 수 없는 응답을 나타냅니다.

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@Serializable(with = PaymentWebhookTrigger.VirtualAccountDepositSerializer::class)
data object VirtualAccountDeposit : PaymentWebhookTrigger


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abstract val value: String