
@SerialName(value = "PARTNER_PAYOUT")
data class PlatformPartnerPayoutAccountTransfer(val id: String, val sequenceNumber: Int, val currency: Currency, val depositBank: Bank, val depositAccountNumber: String, val amount: Long, val withdrawalMemo: String? = null, val depositMemo: String? = null, val balance: Long? = null, val failReason: String? = null, val isForTest: Boolean, val createdAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val partnerId: String, val partnerGraphqlId: String, val bulkPayoutId: String, val bulkPayoutGraphqlId: String, val payoutId: String, val payoutGraphqlId: String) : PlatformAccountTransfer.Recognized


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constructor(id: String, sequenceNumber: Int, currency: Currency, depositBank: Bank, depositAccountNumber: String, amount: Long, withdrawalMemo: String? = null, depositMemo: String? = null, balance: Long? = null, failReason: String? = null, isForTest: Boolean, createdAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, partnerId: String, partnerGraphqlId: String, bulkPayoutId: String, bulkPayoutGraphqlId: String, payoutId: String, payoutGraphqlId: String)


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open override val amount: Long


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val balance: Long? = null


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일괄 지급 고유 아이디

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open override val createdAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant

생성 일자

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open override val currency: Currency


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입금 계좌 번호

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입금 계좌 은행

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open override val depositMemo: String? = null

입금 계좌 적요

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val failReason: String? = null

실패 사유

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open override val id: String

계좌 이체 아이디

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open override val isForTest: Boolean
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파트너 고유 아이디

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지급 고유 아이디

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거래 일련번호

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open override val updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant

수정 일자

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val withdrawalMemo: String? = null

출금 계좌 적요