Transfer Client
class TransferClient(apiSecret: String, apiBase: String = "", storeId: String? = null) : Closeable
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suspend fun createPlatformManualTransfer(partnerId: String, memo: String? = null, settlementAmount: Long, settlementDate: String, isForTest: Boolean? = null, userDefinedProperties: List<PlatformUserDefinedPropertyKeyValue>? = null): CreateManualTransferResponse
수기 정산건 생성
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suspend fun createPlatformOrderCancelTransfer(partnerId: String? = null, paymentId: String? = null, transferId: String? = null, cancellationId: String, memo: String? = null, orderDetail: CreatePlatformOrderCancelTransferBodyOrderDetail? = null, taxFreeAmount: Long? = null, discounts: List<CreatePlatformOrderCancelTransferBodyDiscount>, settlementStartDate: String? = null, externalCancellationDetail: CreatePlatformOrderCancelTransferBodyExternalCancellationDetail? = null, isForTest: Boolean? = null, userDefinedProperties: List<PlatformUserDefinedPropertyKeyValue>? = null): CreateOrderCancelTransferResponse
주문 취소 정산건 생성
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suspend fun createPlatformOrderTransfer(partnerId: String, contractId: String? = null, memo: String? = null, paymentId: String, orderDetail: CreatePlatformOrderTransferBodyOrderDetail, taxFreeAmount: Long? = null, settlementStartDate: String? = null, discounts: List<CreatePlatformOrderTransferBodyDiscount>, additionalFees: List<CreatePlatformOrderTransferBodyAdditionalFee>, externalPaymentDetail: CreatePlatformOrderTransferBodyExternalPaymentDetail? = null, isForTest: Boolean? = null, parameters: TransferParameters? = null, userDefinedProperties: List<PlatformUserDefinedPropertyKeyValue>? = null): CreateOrderTransferResponse
주문 정산건 생성
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정산건 삭제
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suspend fun downloadPlatformTransferSheet(filter: PlatformTransferFilterInput? = null, fields: List<PlatformTransferSheetField>? = null, transferUserDefinedPropertyKeys: List<String>? = null, partnerUserDefinedPropertyKeys: List<String>? = null): String
정산 상세 내역 다운로드
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정산건 조회
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suspend fun getPlatformTransferSummaries(page: PageInput? = null, filter: PlatformTransferFilterInput? = null): GetPlatformTransferSummariesResponse
정산건 다건 조회